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Jenny Collier: The Title of the Show is the Sound of a Burp


Jenny Collier: The Title of the Show is the Sound of a Burp

The Three Sisters

139 Cowgate
Maggie's Chamber: AUG 15-25 at 12:45 (60 min) - Free & Unticketed

Jenny Collier: The Title of the Show is the Sound of a Burp

Jenny is an award winning, court case fighting (no spoilers), welsh stand up comedian. She is established on the festival and club circuit in the UK and around the world and makes regular appearances on podcasts such as Loremen, Drunk Women Solving Crime, What's upset you now?, Why is Harriet Crying? and many more.

This year's show will cover the latest on her burp journey, her post covid glow down, pair rings and a legal battle about how rude she is.

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.