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Olaf Falafel’s Stupidest Super Stupid Show So Far


Olaf Falafel’s Stupidest Super Stupid Show So Far

The Counting House

38 West Nicolson Street
The Ballroom: AUG 1-13, 15-19, 22-25 at 11:30 (60 min) - Pay What You Can Tickets - from £5

Olaf Falafel’s Stupidest Super Stupid Show So Far

WINNER OF BEST KIDS’ SHOW at the Leicester Comedy Festival.

Join comedian and children's author Olaf Falafel for his Stupidest hour of kid's comedy to date. There will be jokes, songs, audience participation and some drawing. Family- friendly frivolity that will leave you feeling a lot less intelligent than when you walked in, from one of the masters of the (stupid) art. Be there or be a dodecahedron. Time Out Top 10 Kids' Shows 2022; Nominated Best Family Show, Leicester Comedy Festival 2023.

"A sprawling bungalow of blissful belly laughs.”


Get Your Coats On

"An absolute treat, as enjoyable for the adults as it is for the children.”


Broadway World

“This show is disruptive, daft and downright brilliant. Take your kids. Twice.”


Everything Theatre

"Utterly delighting the children with perfectly pitched humour.”


Theatre Weekly

“All kinds of weird and wonderful and we are 100% here for it!”


Edinburgh Festival For Kids

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.

News and Reviews for this Show

August 25, 2024    The List

It’s a big gig, the Fringe, and Olaf Falafel is a well-known staple on the kids’ comedy circuit, and so this year he has brought a warm-up act with him. Ronald Fingerchin looks uncannily like Falafel, except he’s from ArkanTexasawRhodeIslandAlabama and has rubber fingers protruding from his chin. Hence the name. And if that doesn’t give you a flavour of what you’re in for with this show, I don’t know what will.

Falafel has built up a huge following with good reason as he’s simply brilliant at what he does. His world is one of zany, quickfire voyages through wordplay, puns, the best and worst of dad-jokes, madcap games and surreal pranks.

One minute we’re playing pass the parcel, where the prizes are elaborately described, very specific feelings (such as finding a strawberry in your spoonful of jam), the next we’re watching videos of him flinging Swiss cheese at a book and reading the poetry that emerges within its holes. The ingenuity of his stupidity knows no bounds. There are a few lulls and an extended skit about his attempts to have his home-made art valued might lose some younger kids. But in a Fringe packed with shows full of self-importance or which promise self-improvement, Falafel’s is a welcome island of unashamed silliness. Click Here For Review

Interview: ‘This isn’t going to be sensible!’ Olaf Falafel, Edinburgh fringe’s king of one-liners

August 16, 2024   The Guardian

Interview: ‘This isn’t going to be sensible!’ Olaf Falafel, Edinburgh fringe’s king of one-liners

Children’s author, YouTuber, ‘sausage bird’ designer … the comic who was born Derek Chickpeas (maybe) talks about cooking up his hilariously daft alter ego – and we pick some of his funniest gags.

They say that, for comedians, the Edinburgh fringe is a ruthless trade fair, where sharp-elbowed acts bankrupt themselves in pursuit of the right demographics and a slot on Live at the Apollo. Well, there is that. But there are also comedians such as Olaf Falafel, a one-man art/books/comedy cottage industry, ploughing his eccentric furrow on the Free Fringe, to an audience of kids, adults and everyone in between. Some comedians would kill their granny for an Edinburgh comedy award. Falafel would make yours laugh for a tilt at that prestige-free gong, the much-derided Dave’s Joke of the Fringe.


Falafel’s particular brand of nonsense begins, but does not end, with all those daft one-liners. (Today’s example: “I started off with a fetish for head-to-toe Lycra. Then I bought myself a bobsleigh. Where does it go next? It’s a slippery slope.”) But he’s about antics (“titting around,” he calls it) more than wordplay. Much of our interview is spent elucidating a new stunt he’s working on involving an umbrella and some eggs. Elsewhere, conversation pauses for a video on his phone of the “sausage bird” he designed, built, then had valued (for the audience’s pleasure) as fine art.

Younger readers may recognise the sausage bird from Art Club, the inspired YouTube series (Falafel calls it “Horrible Histories but for art”) that got many of us, and our kids, through lockdown. “It got me through lockdown,” says the man himself. “It gave me a structure and something to do when comedy had gone, school visits had gone, my football coaching had gone.”

A devoted Luton Town fan, he has just decorated a giant ornamental hare in the club’s most iconic kits for an art trail through the town. As for the school visits, well, Falafel is a children’s author with a string of books to his name, including two adventures for Trixie Pickle: Art Avenger. It was via his literary activities that the hirsute comic first twigged he might perform standup for juniors, too.

“Publishers get you to visit schools, and literary festivals,” says the dad of two. “I’d no idea what authors do at festivals, so I just did a standup-ish set with bits about my books. And I had to make it kid-friendly. That’s when the penny dropped that actually I could do a kids show in Edinburgh.” This year as ever, he’s performing both a kids show (Olaf’s Stupidest Super Stupid Show So Far) and one for grownups (Has Anyone Actually Ever Woven a Sigourney?), differentiated by little more than the occasional swearword. (For clarity: in the latter.) Both are on the Free Fringe, which Falafel prefers, “not out of principle, but because it fits the DIY aesthetic.”

It’s quite the niche he’s carved out, and he couldn’t be cosier in it. With no obligations to the comedy club circuit, he keeps his hand in performing not in theatres, but in schools. “I get lots of emails from teachers and parents,” he reports, “saying that their child doesn’t like reading or isn’t academic. But because I’d visited they were buzzing.” Art educator, YouTuber, comedian and author: “I do like to have lots of little things happening here, there and everywhere,” he beams, coffee drained. “I never want to give up any of them. I enjoy it all, and I hope that comes across.” Click Here For Article

Fringe for Kids – Top Talent from Around the World

August 5, 2024   Entertainment Now

Fringe for Kids – Top Talent from Around the World

If you’re out and about in the early morning and afternoon you’ll often meet a completely different kind Fringe audience – with hordes of young excited happy faces lining up outside theatres, tents and venues around Edinburgh.

Tons of Fringe comics, circus acts and even cabaret stars put on special shows for kids alongside their adult offerings – so if you’re doing the Fringe family style you’ll be pleasantly surprised at some of the talent on offer.

...Comic author and illustrator Olaf Falafel, frequently on the Best Jokes of the Fringe list, will be bringing sausage birds, bogies and truth-telling cheese to audiences from the ages of 3-13 at Olaf Falafel’s Stupidest Super Stupid Show So Far at Laughing Horse@ The Counting House as part of the Free Festival.

... Click Here For Article