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The City Cafe

19 Blair Street
Las Vegas: AUG 3-27 at 21:15 (60 min) - Pay What You Can Tickets - from £2.50


ROPE-A-DOPE is a highly original, highly funny and brutally honest autobiographical show told by someone who actually lived it. These days Terry is a much sought after actor and comedian, but he used to be a hard- nosed (flat-nosed if your being unkind) boxer in his old life. Having boxed for Ireland all over the World, this is the hilarious and heartfelt story of the many trials and tribulations of a top level athlete who gets punched in the head for a living.

Also, its the tale of a childhood dream lost and why he eventually swapped dancing on canvas for treading the boards and exchanged (or stopped exchanging!) punches for punch lines.

It is also love letter to a subject so close to his heart. So, be you a life long fan, or someone with zero interest in the sport, come along and take a trip through the murky, crazy and fascinating World of boxing with many nuggets and tidbits from its illustrious History thrown in too.

An exciting, pacy, cross genre performance, merging the worlds of stand up comedy, theatre, music and movement this is not to be missed!

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.