The worldwide hit show returns with a line-up of superb and varied comedians from all around the Fringe doing material based around the hilarious, cheeky subject of shagging.
"The perfect way to close a night at the festival" ★★★★★ (Funny Tonne, Melbourne International Comedy Festival)
"A tour de force of laughter filled mischievous comedy" ★★★★★ (
"Excellent" ★★★★★ (Audience Review,
"Utterly hilarious" ★★★★1/2 (Perth Fringe World)
"Possibly the best value show at the Festival" ★★★★ (Herald Sun, Melbourne)
”One of best value comedies I’ve seen at this year’s Fringe” ★★★★ (Broadway Baby, Brighton Fringe)
"Didn't we lap it tickled pink by your Shaggers" ★★★★ (Fringefeed, Perth Fringe World)