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Kevin Precious: The Reluctant Teacher


Kevin Precious: The Reluctant Teacher

The Counting House

38 West Nicolson Street
The Loft: AUG 3-27 at 16:45 (60 min) - Free & Unticketed

Kevin Precious: The Reluctant Teacher

Kevin Precious used to be a teacher. He enjoyed the teaching part... it was all of the other stuff around the job that he felt was a drag. In the end, he left to seek his fortune via the means of stand-up comedy, and - in so doing - incorporated observations and anecdotes related to his teaching career into his act.

Eventually, Kevin built up enough teacher-orientated ideas to create and tour a show specifically about teaching entilted 'Not Appropriate' across arts centres, theatres and festivals throughout the land. Such was the reception that in many instances, he was invited to return to the same venues and perform the show again. Not only that, he also performed the show at a number of conferences and staff events: https://kevinprecious.co.uk/teachershow/

Having also created a show about the very specific business of teaching Religious Studies from the perspective of a skeptic and secularist ('Unholier Than Thou: the Non-Believing Religious Studies Teacher'), Kevin now believes it to be a good time to return to the business of teaching more generally, and add a comedic commentary in relation to the profession. There is much to discuss.

Teachers are exiting the profession in droves. Dissatisfaction with the ridiculous levels of paperwork and accountability, an overly-prescribed and increasingly narrow curriculum, and the foibles associated with the ever-advancing Academy system; all proferred as reasons. All of this subject matter finds its way into Kevin's new show, 'The Reluctant Teacher'. Of course, There will also be plenty of lighter stuff based around the day-to-day experiences of being a teacher to ensure things don't become overwrought.

Here are some of the things other teachers, and teaching bodies said about Kevin's previous teaching show:

‘Highly entertaining for teachers and non-teachers alike. Funny, witty, nicely cynical – and only occasionally Not Appropriate. This is for those old enough to sit inside the staff room.’ - Fiona Moss, Executive Officer NATRE National Association Teachers of Religious Education

‘I booked Kevin for him to deliver his ‘Not Appropriate’ gig to our whole staff team at our recent INSET. Kevin was appropriately funny and the staff quickly warmed to the event. Staff mentioned after that it was the best INSET ever. SLT said it was good too. As for Kevin, it is a real testimony to Kevin’s ability as a comedian he had us in stitches and the way he ad-libs and feeds off the audience is amazing. I would definitely re book Kevin for future events.’ - Julie Bellamy West Heath School, Sevenoaks

‘It seemed the obvious choice to book Kevin once we decided on hiring a comic for our end of year Teachers’ Do. As a Qualified RE teacher that had also experienced the joys of supply, Kevin was definitely the man for the job. Using all his years of experience, Kevin had our teacher’s eating out of the palm of his hand. His uncanny observations of both students and teachers had the audience in raptures.

If you are a teaching agency that is bored of just inviting their teachers to the pub at the end of term and want to put on a show; Kevin provides the ideal act. It allows you to have a theme for your event, shows you care, as you want to do just more than buy them a drink, and most importantly, everyone has a ruddy good laugh.’ - Marios Georgiou, Chairman Step Teachers Ltd

‘Kevin went down a storm with my staff. His irreverent look at education was well observed, and as a post-Ofsted treat was well worth the money.’ - Carolyn Huxley

Lostwithiel School

'Thanks for such a good show yesterday. Feedback has been really positive and you really made us laugh’ Neill Roskilly Independent Schools Association

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.