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The City Cafe

19 Blair Street
Nineties: AUG 1-25 at 19:25 (60 min) - Free & Unticketed


Get ready for a laugh-out-loud rollercoaster ride as "Projection" takes stage at the Comedy Theatre Festival! Dive into the hilarious world of Lucy, a frustrated woman in her late thirties, navigating the highs and lows of love, all projected live on stage.

Watch as Lucy's online escapades unfold in real-time, from her quirky affirmations to her SMS melodramas with the emotionally elusive Tom. Is he "the one"? Or has she projected the sum total of her desires upon him, creating the perfect man in her mind?

In a city where solo spirituality meets the harsh reality of skyrocketing rent, Lucy's journey is a comedy laced with poignancy. Join her as she navigates online dating, mirror affirmations, and a rotating cast of millennial flatmates. Can she find meaning in a world seemingly built for families? Can she inhabit a meaningful role in society if she never becomes a mother?

As Lucy's relationships unravel, witness the frenzy of modern isolation punctuated by digital distraction. It's a one-hour spectacle that explores the absurdities of love, the narratives we spin, and how even spirituality can't save you from unspiritual aims.

Can Lucy break free from the patterns of projection, or is love destined to be a cosmic comedy? "Projection" is not just a play; it's an exploration of co-dependence, gender stereotypes, and the uproarious antics of love and the misplaced good intentions of loved ones, in a society that is seemingly built for two. It will make you laugh out loud, but it will also touch your heart. Don't miss it.

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.

News and Reviews for this Show

August 14, 2024    The Scotsman

She’s 37, in a venue that’s really a karaoke bar full of her 20-year-old ‘flatmates’, aka the audience, looking for love with an unsuitable man who can barely pick up the phone. “Shall I text him,” she asks. “No!” says Natalie from Glasgow, “Do. Not. Text. Him. Never Text Him.” Aideen McQueen is very funny, playing glamourous wine swigging Lucy, in a piece that she’s written with her sister, which, as she tells us at the end is “largely based on us.”

With Paul, a 25-year-old from her yoga class doing the tech, it has the relaxed mood of stand-up and a story structured around a delusional, but also very likable, woman projecting large-scale romantic dreams onto a generic man from Tinder who clearly isn’t interested. “No drama,” he says – and so Lucy creates her own, capturing a bizarre one-sided chase and making fun of both the men and women involved. With her Irish storytelling charm, she gives a female perspective on a type of woman who’s often dismissed as a ‘bunny boiler’ or derided with a smug sense of self-satisfaction. While it doesn’t delve too deeply into where her desperation might come from, it’s a theatrical and very funny affirmation for all of those who would like it to stop.

Sally Stott Click Here For Review