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Luisa Omielan: God is a Woman The Musical


Luisa Omielan: God is a Woman The Musical

The Counting House

38 West Nicolson Street
The Ballroom: AUG 3-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27 at 20:30 (60 min) - Free & Unticketed

Luisa Omielan: God is a Woman The Musical

I gave you Politics for Bitches & What Would Beyonce Do?! Now brace yourself for my Female book of Mormon. I cant sing or play music. But I did grow up on Sister Act 1 and 2. This is an epic one woman show / experiment. It's a work in progress, but I can tell you now, it's gonna be your favourite show of the festival. Arrive early.



"She should be a household name' Evening Standard

"She wrote the stand up hit of the decade - The Guardian

"A Trailblazer' the Scotsman

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.